Litter Cleanups
We support primarily two kinds of litter clean ups: Those planned and led by the KSFB city staff and nonprofit representatives; and those led by recurring or one-time volunteer groups. We use funds from the New Mexico Tourism Department’s Clean and Beautiful program, and from the City, to support staff, office, and transportation needs; therefore litter cleanups focus on public spaces.
There are no full time staff of the organization; nor is there any litter/cleanup crew dedicated from either KSFB or the City.

KSFB-Led Litter Cleanups
We host two city-wide litter cleanups a year, the Great American Cleanup in the spring, and Toss No Mas in the fall. These cleanups are supported by national or state resources, and assisted by city staff, including ESD and the Parks Division, who are scheduled and budgeted overtime hours to help dispose of some of the collected materials. These city-sponsored cleanups also coincide with the Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Agency’s Free Landfill Days.
Residents wishing to have focused neighborhood or site-specific cleanups are encouraged to coordinate with neighbors and friends to volunteer during these biannual events, to take advantage of the city resources and free disposal. KSFB can also direct individual volunteers who are not already affiliated with a group to targeted problem areas during the city-wide cleanups to maximize the impact!
Volunteer-Led Cleanups
We also support cleanups led by organizations or volunteers. These may be one-time “pop-up” cleanups, or recurring cleanups in a specific neighborhood, park, or public space. All volunteers must pre-register and complete the necessary paperwork, and in return we will provide supplies such as gloves and bags, as well as safety guidance. No city staff are designated for these kinds of cleanups, however, we will provide litter disposal options for volunteer-led cleanups.
We will also ask that the cleanup host provide a report on how many bags of litter were collected, and how many total hours were worked. This information helps provide an overall picture of litter-related volunteer activities to Keep America Beautiful, the state of New Mexico Tourism Department, and our City Council when applying for funding and showing how volunteerism magnifies the dollars invested.
Keep Santa Fe Beautiful staff and Board of Directors would like to recognize our friends at Thornburg Investment Management for their ongoing support for Keep Santa Fe Beautiful. Thornburg has become a Corporate Sponsor and has generously contributed to the Adopt a Median Program. Thornburg’s team continues to make a difference in the community by participating in our litter cleanups. Thank you for setting a great example in our community. We appreciate your partnership.